Came in perfect condition, the legs are straight, the microts are all working. In an ambulance assembled a multivibrator at ~ 166 kHz, which by the power of any rejection: made up, from 5 v works perfectly. Poked several pieces, the parameters are even, the difference in frequency between the copies was within 0,5%. OK-I thought, changing the rating of the resistor almost 4 times: 573 kHz! And steadily grind so... The challenge? On the formula 1com-20com-22pf saw 1.32mhz (and even a little more, if you claw properly)), on what and calmed down. It is clear that no Shim on these frequencies can be speech, at the exit there at best the curve saw-but the fact itself! Total: a handful of angry 555-k by 3 R. The thing-yes it's some holiday! ))